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The Future Of Thermal Paper Markets To 2018---part 2



The project was completed using a combination of primary and secondary research. The output of this research was assessed and analysed using a PESTEL analysis. T

his will investigate and evaluate a series of factors and trends including those outlined in the scope of the project that are impacting the future demand for thermal paper products. These factors and trends were used to develop a number of scenarios that were used to forecast the consumption of thermal paper over the next 1, 3 and 5 years. Such scenarios and the assumptions on which they are based can then be interrogated in line with specific needs and requirements.

The scenarios developed around the output of research investigating significant issues and trends. These included:

The 'green' effect - for example double sided printing; lightweighting; use of certified/recovered fibre

Cutting edge technological developments - including replacement technologies, advances in security technologies;

Market effects - including effect of new entrants; planned capacity increases; trade related issues

A digital and mobile communication world.


Primary research

A number of telephone interviews with a representative cross section of players across the supply chain and across the designated geographical areas. Smithers Pira's experience indicates that up to 50 telephone interviews should be carried out. These interviews were global in scope, with a particular focus on designated regions and regional players.

Smithers Pira used its well-developed approach to maximise the amount of information gathered during each interview. Due to its extensive background and the knowledge of the industry, Smithers Pira is routinely successful in engaging participants in detailed discussions.

Secondary desk research

Information and internal and external data was sourced from:

Smithers Pira market reports and journals - Smithers Pira publishes many market reports and journals.

Smithers Pira Database - Smithers Pira's Information Centre subscribes to over 1000 industry journals, and relevant articles from the journals are abstracted into the Smithers Pira Database. Conference papers are also abstracted.

Various online market research databases and directories including Eurostat, UN Comtrade, Bureau of the Census, Kompass, Birkner, Lockwood Post.

Web sites, industry directories and trade associations.

All these will be searched to maximise the primary research.


Copies of proposed investigative questionnaires for comment and revision

A report describing the results and analysis of the research, the scenario development, the assumptions on which they are built, and the consequences of realisation of a given scenario on future thermal paper consumption

Quantification of market and forecasts through to 2018 including

o Supply - production and capacity by region

o Demand - by region

o Supply: demand balance

o End Use Segmentation: POS, labels, lottery & gaming, entertainment, medical & pharmacy, transportation, other

o Future Demand

An optional on-site presentation of the findings and their implications for individual sponsors

Prev: The Future Of Thermal Paper Markets To 2018---part 1 Next: Japanese Paper Industry Appears Better Signs

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